What is Sony B-Stock?
Many customers have asked what is "B stock" product. Is there a difference between "used", "refurbished", and "B stock"?
B-Stock is generally inventory that has been used in a trade show or was on a demonstration to a potential Sony customer.
All B-Stock Products are fully checked out by Sony's Technical Services Group and certified to be in good working order and up to original manufacturer's specifications.
Most products sold at Sonoma Health as B-Stock have low operating hours. If there are some units that have been used for long hours the pricing on these high useage items is normally set lower then on our normal B-Stock product.
The warranty on B-Stock product is 1 year, parts and 90 days labor unless otherwise noted on the listing.
If you have questions regarding B-Stock inventory before you buy, please feel free to call us and ask.
B-Stock inventory comes with all of the accessories that come with the new model.
B-Stock is always a great value. Buy B-Stock products whenever they are available.
Look for Sony B-stock products at our online store
**** Sorry no B-Stock currently available ****